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Building a house: stages in roof construction


blog - Chantier d’une maison : les étapes de construction d’une toiture
blog - Chantier d’une maison : les étapes de construction d’une toiture

Read what one of our users had to say about the different stages in building a roof: Building my house is still a great memory: at last, I could see my own house, my own property, coming out of the ground! A great source of pride! Frankly, it's becoming almost a luxury these days to own your own home, so when I had the opportunity to build, I didn't hesitate!

All in all, building my own house remains a great memory. To keep the bills down, I limited the use of construction companies as much as possible, preferring to do some of the work myself. Of course, I have to admit that being a handyman helps a lot. You don't just throw yourself into an operation like this, not if you don't know anything about it, and not without the help of friends or colleagues. A house is like your fortress, your property: it has to be solid, carefully built, with every step followed to the letter, so as to achieve a quality construction that's safe, secure and reassuring.

But I digress. I've decided to tell you about a few construction steps, and in particular, the steps involved in making the roof.

1. The roof structure

The roof structure is the backbone of the house, the foundation on which all roofing systems rest.

The framework guarantees the solidity of the whole, which is why it is a crucial stage in the construction of a house. There are several types of framework, including trusses and traditional roofs. I'll spare you the details of definition and advantages, blah, blah, blah, just remember that depending on whether or not you want to convert your attic, you'll have to opt for one or the other.

Great care must be taken in assembling the components that make up the framework. Follow the plans, use quality materials, remember to treat the wood, and make the site safe during assembly: if you have any doubts about your abilities, leave it to the professionals!

2. Protective tarpaulin

Carpentry isn't something you can build in a day (unless you've recruited a team of professional carpentry superheroes!). To avoid setbacks and flooded building sites, it's a good idea to have a few watertight protective tarpaulins on site.

In any case, keep in mind that tarpaulins are an essential piece of equipment on a building site: you should always have one or more large waterproof tarpaulins on hand to protect equipment, cover materials, cover a roof under construction, protect a leak while waiting for repairs, etc.

3. The tiles

The installation technique depends on the tiles chosen, their shape and composition material. The tiles form the final covering of the roof. Ask your tile supplier or contractor: for my part, for example, I opted for curved terracotta tiles in an orange-red hue that's actually hard to describe. This type of tile requires precise spacing, specific fixing, precise under-roof ventilation, special insulation materials, etc...

Here again, the tile installation stage is particularly important! To avoid finding your tiles in your garden at the first strong gust of wind, and to reduce the risk of infiltration, only undertake this work yourself if you're sure of your skills!